Friday, May 13, 2011

What's your excuse?

It's very easy to get discouraged: the medical field brainwashing the world.... and the world blindly accepting it. Your patients not seeing the 'truth', not signing a care plan, not getting enough (or any) new patients, etc etc etc! However, if you focus only on the negative then what are you going to attract into your life (and your practice!!).

Success takes WORK! And if you are willing to sow, water, trim, crop, bake and above and beyond the seeds of success- you will reap!

I used to work for a chiropractor who had at one time a very busy office. The days prior to officially opening his doors he walked door to door throughout the community [sounds a bit like these other door to door guys I know.... ] and merely introduced himself to his neighbors. He constantly was attending events to do screenings, was giving bi-monthly dinner talks, weekly wellness talks in his office as well as multi-weekly wellness talks to businesses in the community, giving talks at community churches, he hardcore encouraged, educated and motivated the people who came into his office to refer their friends, family, coworkers, etc! His office EXPLODED with patients, because the community knew him - they knew his face, they knew him as both an individual and as a doctor. He wasn't just a sign they passed on the street, or a number in the phone book. He was very successful because he was willing to work.

And while the success reaped for a time after he stopped sowing as much; eventually his practice that was at one time 300patients a week, dwindled to where he was lucky to see 50 patients a week, with 1 or 2 new patients coming in a month. (I know some are thinking what they would give to have 50 patients a week, but bear with me!)

Our 'busy' days at work were days we had 30 patients. The slow days - which were quickly becoming the majority- he was seeing 7...5...2, sometimes none. His immediate response was to get upset; to get discouraged! And of course, this is natural - it's only human! Yet what I found so ironic was instead of seeing that his success was dwindling because there was no form of sowing going on whatsoever (whether with him or a marketer) - he would run to his office and watch motivating videos. I love that he was trying to motivate himself: that's a WONDERFUL way to respond and deal with discouragement: but, motivation only works if you act on it... and merely watching videos, isn't sowing, doc.

This is in no way to shame what that doctor was doing - but to share, in a verbose matter, that if you want to reap, you have to be willing to sow. Not every DC graduate is going to be able to open a practice and thrive off of a 3 day work week from day 1.

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