I'm not a chiropractic student.
I'm just Blair.
I'm just one of the many individuals of this world,
whose life has so greatly been impacted by
the miracle of Chiropractic,
that I felt it is not only my responsibility
to share with all that I encounter that miracle;
But after seeing so many Chiropractor's;
so many of my dear and treasured friends & colleagues
struggle to survive, because they chose a career
that's not always guaranteed.
That while for many chiropractic is overabundant,
there's the real sad truth of statistics out there.
If you have the candle, and you have the match,
you deserve to be able to carry the light.
So with the knowledge I have,
from a background of experience from all over,
Research from all over,
Continuous education & studies,
And some unique twists on it simply because that’s my style,
I give you 'ChiroBlair':
a gift to Chiropractor's,
for giving me the gift of life.
Mostly just a little confidence here and there.
A cheerleader for those who think they don't have one.