If your favorite professor from chiropractic school, the chiropractor who has inspired you most in your life and career, your arch rival, and a hundred chiropractor searching people were standing inside your office - how would it measure up? Is it something you would be proud to show? Clean, Modern, Inviting, Pleasant?
What about your staff? Are they well mannered, dressed professionally, supportive of the doctor, and proactive in sharing the chiropractic message?
When you least expect it - people are looking. When you think you can let just the slightest things slide - peers, professors, rivals, and most importantly those whose lives depend on you - are listening, watching, and looking - at you, at your staff, and at your office. Don't let those people drive a block closer to their home to see the chiropractor who doesn't support true chiropractic; or be so appaled at what they see, hear or experience in your office that it turns them off.
Create an office that is welcoming, educate your staff to support you as a doctor and your message (Does your staff know YOUR message or mission statement?), let your heart radiate through your hands as you adjust each individual with compassion and certainty - and your office will surely never fail (Or fall).
What kind of attributes does the ideal office have then? Advise, please!